Absolute Uninstaller is a Free Utility that can be used to manage installed programs.The Add/Remove program utility that ships with Windows does not fully uninstall applications, leaving unnecessary files behind and program entries in your registry which can eventually impact your computers performance causing your PC to become slower. Absolute Uninstaller utilizes an Uninstall Manager that attempts to completely remove programs, their registry entries and any files left behind to help maintain your computers performance.
How to make Absolute Uninstaller Portable:
1. Download the Absolute Uninstaller Setup file (ausetup.exe)
2. Download Universal Extractor and unRaR it's contents to a folder on your desktop
3. (1) Drag and Drop ausetup.exe onto UniExtract.exe (2) Click OK
4. Move the ausetup/{app} folder from your desktop to your USB device
5. Click uninstaller.exe from the {app} folder to run the program
Some Antivirus Programs will trigger a false positve stating that the Universal Extractor contains a Worm. Please see the authors post for details.
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